Reading this I realised from everything going back to childhood upto now I'm a Starseed: Are You One Too?

The Starseed Experience: Traits and Characteristics

Many starseeds have an extreme sensitivity to alcohol, drugs, and typically any medicine, while others tend to have an extremely high tolerance to such things. All such physical tendencies such as these can vary depending on the individual and can fluctuate over time. This is true with most people but starseeds tend to be at a higher risk and must try to avoid withdrawing into escapism involving abuse of any substance (or abuse of anything as a rule) to cope with reality or deal with pain. This can cloud the starseed vision and delay their progress, but if it occurs early in life it can often lead to deep insight and life changing experiences which pave the way for their later awakening. The more awakened a starseed becomes, the less they rely on, desire or can even tolerate certain chemical substances. Most will then continue to make more conscious and positive decisions regarding their health in general.
A majority of starseeds even as young adults are night owls and enjoy staying up later than the average person. There is a peaceful feeling of solitude and clarity that starseeds feel at night. Those who do sleep earlier may find themselves suddenly awakening for no reason often around 3am. Many starseedshave unsual sleep patterns or find that they can get by on less sleep than the average person, but still there are periods where they may feel extreme fatigue and need more sleep than usual.
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This is a descriptive article and list of some of the most common and also unusual characteristics and traits of a starseed soul. While this information can be used to recognize if you are a starseed yourself, it also explains some of the unique experiences and personality quirks that are most generally shared amoung starseed individuals. The list describes physical symptoms and signs common with star seeds as well as the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects that are part of the starseed path and outlook on life.

If you or someone you know is a starseed they may resonate with most if not all of the starseed qualities and experiences listed here.

As always, no external list, label or definition can always accurately describe with 100% certainty the starseed experience; one must look within themselves and truly remember what they already know. Find what resonates with you and always trust your heart concerning the answers you seek.

Starseed Personality Traits and Characteristics

A starseed has a profound feeling of being very different from other people. Everyone is unique and different from others in some way or another, but for a starseed, this feeling begins at a very early age and stays with them well into adulthood. There may be no external cause of this feeling and most have relatively normal childhood and adult lives (although they will tend to have some very unusual experiences). Many people will view these individuals as being somewhat weird or eccentric, even if the starseed is trying to act 'normal' and blend in. A starseed knows they are different, even if they don't quite know why, and even if they try to 'fake it' they will be unhappy pretending to be anyone but themselves.
A starseed individual may discover that they are extremely sensitive and may have a naturally devoloped sixth sense; most are highly empathic. Having empathy means that they have the ability to feel or sense the emotions and sometimes even the 'thought vibrations' of other people, especially those whom they are closest to. If they are not aware of the source of these emotions or energies then it can seem as if it is their own emotions they are feeling. Unconscious starseeds who are highly empathic can be easily influenced energetically. This makes it important to learn grounding and shielding techniques so they do not absorb the emotions of others or take them on as their own.
The empathic ability of a starseed (or anyone with the ability) can become problamatic if one is constantly bombarded with the energy of other people, especially those who are negative. This can result in them becoming increasingly drained energetically over time. This is often the reason why many starseeds feel more comfortable alone in their own private space and tend to feel overwhelmed when around even small groups of familiar people let alone large groups of strangers. Although some starseeds actually feel better in large crowds such as those at an event of some sorts, because this way they feel they can 'blend in' more.
Many starseeds journey through life feeling alienated from others in some way and when involved in even small group settings they often feel disconnected from the others or out of place in some way. Their mind is always buzzing with thought and sometimes they have feelings of anxiety or even boredom. The starseed tends to 'think about what the others are thinking about' and this thought stream can sometimes indicate is a strong telepathic ability as well. Starseeds sometimes enjoy simply observing others out of curiousity instead of interacting or being put on the spot. Even the more social and outgoing starseeds will still resonate with some of these qualities and experiences on some level.
It's common for starseeds to feel like they don't have much in common with many other people and sometimes can not understand why people 'do what they do' and 'like what they like'. They tend to feel much better and lighter in energy when they are around higher vibrational people who are more consciously aware because these lighter individuals seem to just 'get it' while noone else seems tuned in.
In some situations when interacting with others a starseed may find themselves suddenly 'shapeshifting' their energy to match the other's so they can 'play along' or understand the individual on a deeper level. This unusual experience is hard to describe but a lot of starseed souls may recognize it.
A desire and need to get away from the hustle and bustle of life and from 'normal' people. Starseeds often prefer to be alone not from a sense of depression but out of a sense of freedom and feeling like they are in their comfort zone. They tend to benefit and do enjoy seeling out others who share their own spiritual interests. They enjoy have deep and more meaingful conversations and can get bored with mindless 'chit chat' or shallow conversation.
A common phenomenon amoung starseeds is frequently seeing the 11:11 or other repeating number sequences appearing on clocks and popping up in other unexpected places often. There is also a perculiar feeling or sensation that accompanies these synchronicities.

The Starseed Child and Young Adult

Starseeds tend to be more shy and introverted as children. They also tend to be highly creative and imaginative on many levels. They can spend hours just thinking and pondering in their minds, and playing in their own 'make-believe world'. Many would rather spend time by themselves, with nature and animals rather than with other children. This can often be due that feeling of being different from others in some way or because they feel they can't relate to other children. Many tend to be more comfortable in the company of adults and are often considered mature for their age. Even so, many star seed children grow up feeling misunderstood and can carry a heavy sadness in their heart at times for reasons they often don't understand.
