Mindblowing Topic: Biophotons. It has been documented that human cells EMIT 100,000 photons per second. It seems these Biophotons are Qi/Etheric Energy. This might be how the healing machine technology works in Elysium with Matt Damon

I think biophotons are interesting things. And from the limited reading I've done so far, mean a photon is much more than a particle of light. It might have Interdimensional qualities too acting as a packet of information. It seems biophotons interact with our DNA. The ' junk' DNA areas I think, and perhaps activate human special abilities. Of course it raises the questions, just what is our origins, who on earth made all this junk DNA and why make it switched off until now? And is Darwinism all lies to misdirect us from real truth about our origins? Quite a lying cover up if this is correct.
Another interesting question arises: biophotons interacting with our DNA to activate it. I suppose this is DNA all over the body, the knees, the skin, the heart. As well as the pineal glands DNA? Therefore divine spiritual activation/evolution jump of the human race isn't just the pineal gland? However perhaps the DMT hormone the pineal gland secretes goes round the body and enters cells and latches onto our biophotons activated Junk DNA and this is where and how the magic happens for the masses which the Freemasons have kept this sacred knowledge to themselves ?
A final question/thought is: perhaps ancient writings are correct. Our galactic central sun is now 'coughing', pulsing out MASSIVE quantities of biophotons. Maybe this is what our Freemason 'elite' ' rulers' are aware of and is why the push for vaccines, GMOs , Smartmeters and all the Chemtrails? To stop this biophoton evolutionary jump? I'm not worried though. They are being beaten as awareness is spreading and try as they might they can't stop all the biophotons reaching our DNA . - Adam
It has long been held that non-conventional treatments for cancer such as homeopathy, Tai ji, yoga, or acupuncture couldn’t ‘cure’ a disease because medical science simply didn’t understand how these modalities worked. German researchers have proven, with special equipment created for the study of photons stored in our DNA, that there is no need for chemotherapy, or other invasive surgeries to cure the body of cancer. As neurophysiologist, Karl Pribram, has postulated, German experimental physicist, Fritz-Alfred Popp has demonstrated, and many ancient cultures have proven, cancer (along with many other diseases) die in the presence of light
FULL ARTICLE https://sitsshow.blogspot.co.uk/2016/11/coherent-light-biophoton-can-heal-cancer-other-diseases.html?m=1
We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.” ~ Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp
Biophotonic Science – The History
It has been scientifically documented that every cell in the body emits more than 100,000 light impulses or photons per second. These light emissions, which are not only emanated by humans but by all living things, are called biophotons and have been found to be the steering mechanism behind all biochemical reactions.
Russian scientist and professor, Alexander G. Gurwitsch first discovered biophotons and the morphogenetic field in 1923, but called these bits of light by a different name. Additional research in the 1970s by experimental and theoretical scientists further suggested that biophotons were indeed real. Then, in 1974 the German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp, proved their existence, as well as their origin within our DNA and later their coherence, much like light in a laser. From this varied research, biophoton theory has evolved to its present day science.
As an article which recently appeared in Technology Review, presented by MIT quips,
“One of the more curious backwaters of biology is the study of biophotons: optical or ultraviolet photons emitted by living cells in a way that is distinct from conventional bioluminescence. Nobody is quite sure how cells produce biophotons but the latest thinking is that various molecular processes can emit photons and that these are transported to the cell surface by energy carying excitons. A similar process carries the energy from photons across giant protein matrices during photosynthesis. Whatever the mechanism, a growing number of biologists are convinced that when you switch off the lights, cells are bathed in the pale fireworks of a biophoton display.”
Work being conducted currently at the Rhine Bio-energy lab is advancing biophotonic knowledge in such a way as to recognize this previously unidentified source of energy and information in human beings, animals, plants, and other living organisms.
Biophotons as Chi
The Rhine lab is proving what chi masters, martial artists, yogis, and others have claimed for centuries, that the flow of “energy,” “prana,” or “chi” can be manipulated, with established physical evidence that this energy or chi exists in the form of bio-photons.
Sifu Cicero, an instructor of chi generation, had the opportunity to have her bio electromagnetic energy (bioenergy) measured by the scientists at the Rhine Research Center using a multiphasic ultra-violet light detector which is designed to measure individual photons produced per half second.
Rhine researchers have been able to measure dramatic increases in the number of photons in a light-proof room when certain people were meditating, performing healings, or claiming to manipulate Chi.
Have You Ingested Healthy Light Today?
ReplyDeleteA fascinating alternative practice that Dr. Klinghardt has started using, based on this premise, is to use tools that work with light to influence your biophoton field in beneficial ways.
For example, transmitting the information of nutrients in the form of light into your biophotons field can affect your body in the same way as eating the actual nutrient!
Biophoton research also puts a whole new spin on the impact of environmental toxins.
Mercury, for example, destroys your tubulins at extremely low concentrations.
Remember, tubulins are the light-conductive molecules in your connective tissues, so by disrupting these all-important light transmissions from your biophoton field to your cells to your metabolic enzymes, mercury effectively disconnects the intelligent force that organizes your biochemistry.
4 MB OF INFORMATION CONTAINED IN EVERY BIOPHOTON! For example, transmitting the information of nutrients in the form of light into your biophotons field can affect your body in the same way as eating the actual nutrient!
ReplyDeleteThe information transfer on biophotons is bidirectional, which means your DNA sends information out on a photon, and on the same photon the information of all the biophotons from your body is broadcast back to your cells, and to your tubulin, which are light conductive molecules in your connective tissue.