Young, white males, who are beginning to find their cultural voice again: Western culture is in process of breaking free of Jewish/Zionist/Khazar Frankfurt School driven “political correctness” and “multi-culturalism”
More Wise words from Nancy in Seattle. Also Jordan Sather on youtube is well worth taking note of, short easy to digest videos, covering a breathtaking number of topics, explained distilled simply, a cleverly joining the dots between them. Seeing as everything is connected. One great example recently is how the 'Antarctica Disclosures', real as the archaelology and whatever else might be. The MSM mention this and that in order to distract for example, Hilary Clinto/Huma Abedin and the sinister p**dophile Satanist rings they are involved in. Jordan Sather also mentions again today how our good pals John and Tony Podesta, its really looking like these Pizza enthusiasts were in Praia Da Luz 10 years ago where apparently some pretty good pizzerias are there too, as good as in DC and London etc
Jordan Sather is one to watch and soon is going to be covering Royal Rife and his frequency healing medicine that was ruthlessly suppressed in the 20th century. (Royal Rife is the Nikola Tesla of health) -IDSW
Jenn wrote:
**I just love seeing all the awakened Millennials…their energy and passion is beautiful to behold.**

I do too, Jenn. I’ve noticed many of the activist running with the Pizza/Pedo gate are millennials, especially young, white males, who are beginning to find their cultural voice again. Western culture is in process of breaking free of Jewish/Zionist/Khazar driven “political correctness” and “multi-culturalism” with the understanding that “unity” and acceptance/tolerance of others does not mean sacrificing one’s own individuality and identity.
It’s also the millennials who are picking up that the satanist are using the LGBT community to “normalize” pedophilia as just another form of sexuality,. YouTuber Honeybee announced she will be marching against pedophilia in her community’s Pride march.